Mayfield Village Summer Camp

Kindergarten-7th gr. (entering Fall)

Registration usually begins in January for Mayfield Village residents and early-mid February for anyone who was registered for this camp the prior summer.   Registration begins in late February for all others.  Payment is due in full upon registration.  Early registration is encouraged as sessions have reached maximum capacity in the past!  

The camp is broken into two week sessions for a total of four sessions; 8 total weeks.   Camp generally starts the week after Mayfield City Schools adjourns for the year.

Regular camp hours are 9:00 a.m-3:00 p.m.   Before Care is 7:30-9:00 a.m. and After Care is available 3:00-5:30 p.m.  Before and After Camp Care requires additional fees.

Camp is held at the Parkview Area Pavilions. Field trips each session.  Camp includes time for free play and also planned activities which might include kickball, various sports, crafts, themed days/activities; cookout or pizza party at the end of each session.   Camp visits Parkview Pool as often as possible for open swim.  This camp is held primarily outdoor and is within walking distance to the pool, playground, trails and tennis, volleyball and bocce courts.  Camp staff will consist of teachers, college age and high school students.

Space will be limited to approximately 70 campers (K-4th: 50 kids, 5th-7th: 20 kids).   K-4th graders and 5th-7th graders will do many activities separately with the goal of providing engaging activities for each age group.  There will be shared activities such as pool time and field trips.   5th-7th graders will also have an extra field trip each session.

Swim Lessons will also be offered for an additional fee. Parents can sign up their camper(s) for 9:00 a.m. lessons on Tuesdays/Thursdays.  All levels will be offered.   Registration takes place in May generally and information will be sent out to enrolled campers when it becomes available.  Camp staff will coordinate bringing campers to/from lessons.  You must sign up for lessons at the pool during regular pool registration hours. On rainy/inclement weather days, when camp moves inside, Mayfield Village cannot transport campers to/from lessons. On occasion, field trips may be scheduled to leave before swim lessons are over. If the child goes to lessons instead of the trip, it is the parent’s responsibility to pick up child after lessons. No refunds/pro-rating for missing camp or swim lessons due to field trips or weather.    

All fees will be announced when registration information becomes available. Contact [email protected] if you have questions.

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