We.Do 2.0

Ages 7-12: Come to the library to build and control a robot!

Kindergarten Countdown

Fridays once a month at 1:30pm Incoming Kindergartners and their caregivers: Join us as we help your child build kindergarten readiness skills for Fall 2023 in a program aligned to […]

Storytime at the library

All ages with a caregiver: Join us for a morning ofstories, songs and fingerplays! Every Thursday at 10am

Arbor Day Storytime

All ages with a caregiver: What’s Arbor Day, anyways? Join a Tree Tale Teller from Holden Forests & Gardens to explore the world of plants and trees in this all-ages […]

Bracelet Extravaganza!

Ages 8-13: Bring your friends and come hang out at the library while making bracelets!